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Working with Primary Care Doctors

April 2, 2024

Alex (he/him) describes his experience working with Primary Care Providers (PCPs) as he navigates the medical system. He talks about living with a number of chronic conditions, including Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP), Psoriasis, Gout, and compilations from autoimmune conditions. Alex discusses what it is like following up with a PCP after being diagnosed by a specialist and the fact that copays are often due even at certain PCP visits. He talks about how it is sometimes possible to transfer long-term care for chronic needs to a PCP. He also covers the importance of bringing a list of the things he needs to have addressed each time he visits a doctor. PCPs have been able to take care of more than one issue in a visit for him, and he reminds himself that he’s there to take care of himself. Doctors are in charge of the schedule, not him. It is his job to advocate for himself and not worry about the amount of time that takes during a visit.


Video Length: 6:11

Tagged: Working with Providers, Advocating for Yourself as a Patient, Health Insurance Tips


Chronically Informed:


Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP) - National Institutes of Health Website:

Psoriasis - National Institutes of Health Website:,can%20be%20affected%20as%20well.


Gout - Center for Disease Control Website:


Autoimmune Diseases - National Institutes of Health Website:,and%20even%20turning%20life%2Dthreatening


Inflammation - Cleveland Clinic Website:


Health Insurance Copays - Website:


What is a Primary Care Provider? - Website:

How to Prepare for a Doctor’s Appointment - National Institutes of Health Website:

Chronically Informed Social Media:

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